Exploring the Security Risks of Generative AI and How to Prepare for Them


Generative AI is a double-edged sword. While it offers many benefits, it also poses costly security risks for enterprises.  In a recent Salesforce survey, 71% of 500 senior IT leaders opine that generative AI will likely introduce new security risks to data. Data privacy risks The most significant risk with generative AI relates to data […]

Introducing Code Llama, an AI Tool for Coding


Generative AI applications have taken the world by storm. OpenAI, with its Chat GPT 3.5 and ChatGPT 4.0, and Google, with its OpenAI, have a head start. Code Llama is not just Meta’s response to such applications but also a game-changer in the generative AI space.  What is Code Llama? Code Llama is essentially an […]

Gartner Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms


Enterprises use data to make decisions more than ever before. Analytics and business intelligence (A&BI) platforms offer businesses data-driven insights. These platforms spot data trends and help the CX team model, analyse, explore, share, and manage data. The simplified front-end and automation capabilities allow even lay users to visualise insights.  The Gartner Magic Quadrant for […]

Getting the Best from Your Java Applications: A Practical Optimisation Guide


Java is a popular language for developing cloud and platform-agnostic applications. Its platform-independent nature allows execution on different operating systems without modification. But Java’s power and versatility come with potential drawbacks. Many developers find their applications bloated and slow.  Most languages compile directly to machine code, but Java has an abstraction layer. The Java Virtual […]

Thriving Amid ESG Risks: A Corporate Imperative


Is your company caught in the ESG bind? Are you struggling to implement ESG at the cost of eroding margins, which are already razor-thin in a competitive environment? Are you forced into ESG without a proper understanding of the underlying risks? You are not alone. What is ESG? First things first. What exactly is ESG? […]

SASE Trends for CISOs to Watch in 2023 and Beyond


Network security has not kept pace with the developments in the tech landscape. Widespread cloud adoption has made perimeter-based solutions obsolete. But enterprises do not have a viable alternative and struggle to address the accelerating threat landscape. SASE, or “Secure Access Service Edge,” the red-hot architectural framework promises a solution. SASE integrates wide area networking […]

Going Multi-Cloud? Deal with these Five Big Challenges First


If you are planning to deploy multi-cloud, or even if you already have a multi-cloud setup running, hold on. About 30% and 70% who implement multi-cloud fail to achieve their desired outcomes. When you think of multi-cloud, you expect the best of all worlds. You may think of best-of-breed services, cost-efficiency, risk migration, and increased […]

How Digital Maturity Improves CyberSecurity


Tech adoption and digital transformation have become indispensable for businesses operating in today’s digital environment. But many enterprises remain unable to control technology. They become subservient to technology, allowing technology to dictate how they run their business. Others suffer from the ill effects of technology, such as cyber-attacks, and may end up in a net […]

Embracing Digital Trust: Transforming Security in the Cloud and Container Era


The cloud allows access to resources on demand, delivers easy scalability, and saves costs. Containers enable packaging and applications with dependencies to run in any environment. The combination of cloud and containers offers businesses unparalleled speed, agility, and flexibility. But traditional security approaches no longer suffice with the cloud and containers. Conventional deployments do not […]

The Potential of AI in UI Testing: Addressing Three Common Challenges


If your attempts to make your applications more responsive and engaging have led to frequent crashes and a poor customer experience instead, the reasons are not hard to find. The reason is UI testing or, rather, the inadequacy of it. Businesses deliver exceptional customer experiences through intuitive web applications and interfaces. Developers integrate more and […]

The Role of Technology in Cost Optimisation: Tools and Techniques for Savings

Five Ways to Apply Technology to Cut Costs and Boost Business Competitiveness

Cost optimisation is inevitable for enterprises in today’s competitive business environment. As margins become wafer-thin, profits come through cost cuttings and efficiency improvements. Here is how businesses can apply technology to optimise costs and the top tools to realise these ways. 1. Streamline processes In most enterprises, processes become inefficient over time. Bureaucracy makes some […]

AI push or pause: What’s the best path forward for CIOs?

Can CIOs Protect their Organisation from Risks when Implementing AI?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming all-pervasive. A recent Gartner poll reveals that 70% of enterprises are exploring generative AI now, and 19% already have pilot projects underway. The attention around ChatGPT has led to 45% of enterprises increasing their AI investments.  Several generative AI foundation models boost various aspects of businesses. For instance, Jasper.ai offers […]

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