Does Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) Offer Effective Cloud Protection?
Does Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) Offer Effective Cloud Protection?
Does Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) Offer Effective Cloud Protection?

What is a Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB)?

Enterprises that ignore cyber-security live dangerously. Cyber crimes have become more complex over the years. Threats like ransomware have gone out of hand, with attackers striking at will and cyber security helpless to thwart attacks.

The cloud renders traditional security models redundant. Enterprises have no option but to overhaul their security models and apparatus. Cloud access security brokers (CASBs) gain popularity as an effective deployment in such a landscape.

What are CASBs?

Cloud access security brokers (CASBs) are, at their core, policy enforcement points. These tools deploy on-premises or in the cloud to consolidate the enforcement of security policies. Cloud CASBs,comes in proxy, API mode, or multimode approach. These CASBs position between the service provider and consumers, and interject policies as dictated by the system admins.

Best-in-breed CASBs enable robust policy enforcement, streamline cloud data management, offer complete visibility to the cloud network, and enable proactive threat prevention. 

1. Policy enforcement

CASBs allow enterprises to enforce policies and regulations according to the workflow. The enterprise IT team can set up the policies at a single point. They no longer worry about users accessing the network from different places or using various devices. The correct configuration allows enterprise users to control the data that leaves and enters the cloud. 

The standard policies handled by CASBs include:

  • Authentication including single sign-on and authorization
  • Credential mapping
  • Email fraud detection
  • Threat response
  • Targeted attack protection
  • Device profiling
  • Encryption of sensitive data
  • Tokenization
  • Deploying endpoint protection
  • Logging
  • Threat or unusual activity alerting 
  • Intelligence classification
  • Malware detection. 

The ability to enforce multiple policies enables layered protection. It also prevents enterprise users from misusing resources. 

2. Access control

CASBs shield sensitive data from unauthorised access through effective access control policies.

Cloud operations are risky without effective access control. Moving data to the cloud centralise information and makes it accessible to all network users. Data integrity depends on effective access rights that ensure only the right users have access to each data set.

IT teams use CASBs to manage privileged accounts and grant access rights. Controlling various permutations and enforcing multiple combinations of permissions stumps most system admins. Mistakes and oversights become commonplace. Attackers often exploit the loopholes that ensure when system admins overlook something. 

Integrating CASB with incumbent Identity service tools enables CASBs to enforce adaptive and context-aware access control. The tool may allow or block access depending on factors such as the time of day, the user’s location, and other similar considerations. 

Does Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) Offer Effective Cloud Protection?

3. Streamlined cloud management

The benefits of CASBs go beyond allowing enterprise IT to apply policies easily. Best-in-breed CASB solution enables enterprises to manage and streamline their cloud operations. 

CASB maintains the integrity and confidentiality of the system. It allows enterprise IT to:

  • Manage user devices without the need for any configuration or certificates. The CASB becomes a forward proxy, guiding the managed traffic. Enterprises may perform various tasks, such as log telemetry and enforce policy controls, through APIs. 
  • Whitelist applications. Whitelisting enables compliance with regulations such as HIPAA and saves costly fines. CASB tools flag unsanctioned apps and restrict their usage. 

Most CASB solutions also offer Gmail blockers, solving the menace of spam emails. The threat of data leakage also reduces. 

4. Proactive threat migration

CASB solutions also enable proactive mitigation of threats. IT teams may configure controls such as:

  • Identifying unapproved connections to repositories.
  • Restricting data access within groups.
  • Real-time monitoring of users’ online behaviour to identify risky activities. 
  • Tracking individuals or groups indulging in prohibited activities.
  • Managing BYOD access.
  • Restricting external file sharing over the network. 
  • Generating real-time alerts to notify the security team of potential incidents.

Such proactive measures track suspicious activity and nip incidents in the bud.

Imposing restrictions on a need-to basis thwart the malicious intent of stealth operators. For instance, restricting access to whitelisted, secure devices preempts attackers from entering through a remote worker’s home PC.

5. 360-degree visibility

CASBs offer visibility into all endpoints from a single console. It eliminates blind spots that can be determinable to security.

But the trick lies in selecting a CASB vendor who makes visibility a priority. Different CASB vendors have different databases with varying information on risk. The best CASB tools offer detailed visibility into cloud services, sorted by categories such as payroll, CRM, file sharing, and so on. 

The best CASB tools also detect and prevent shadow IT resources. Most enterprises, especially the ones that grow organically, accumulate shadow resources over time. Functional units often bypass enterprise IT and set up resources for convenience or to get things done. Competitive pressures force teams to provision resources without waiting for the IT teams. Some in-house groups may find the corporate policies too restrictive and set up independent resources to circumvent such policies. 

The CASB tool flags unauthorised apps and restricts usage. It also highlights high-risk vulnerable users, allowing enterprise IT to make targeted interventions.

The possibilities offered by CASB make it a handy tool for all businesses, including large, medium, and small businesses. The security on offer makes it easier for CIOs to overcome the resistance to change when migrating workloads to the cloud. Streamlined policy enforcement and access increase cloud acceptance among the workforce, and promote a cloud-first mindset in the enterprise.

However, CASBs are not a magic tool that solves everything. CASBs have several limitations. For instance, it cannot monitor the apps on user-owned devices. 

CASBs work best as part of broader cloud security architecture. To use the CASB in the best way, map the cloud security architecture upfront. Next, identify the role of the CASB in the overall architecture.

The CASB markets have become mature, with several enterprises now applying the tool for various purposes. But not all CASBs are equal. The best CASB offers fast application delivery, good connectivity, control, seamless integration with other apps, scalability, and resiliency. 

Proofpoint offers a high level of protection for enterprise users. The robust tool monitors and captures threats and enforces security policies consistently and in a foolproof way. The Proofpoint NexusAI machine learning tool enables real-time analytics. The tool leverages the power of simplicity with a neat and simple dashboard.

Using Proofpoint, enterprise users may collaborate and transact using the cloud, without worry.

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