How CIOs Can Take Control of SaaS Sprawl

How CIOs Can take Control of SaaS Sprawl

SaaS solutions offer enterprises unprecedented cost savings, scalability, resilience, flexibility, speed, and accessibility. But in many enterprises, the growth of cloud-based applications takes place uncontrolled. Many employees subscribe to cloud-based applications without going through the IT team. Any enterprise cloud policy that exists remains on paper. Soon, SaaS sprawl, or the excessive use of SaaS […]

5 Ways to Look at the Next Generation of Information Management


Data-driven decision-making is a key driver of competitive advantage in today’s digital age. But the efficacy of such decisions depends on the quality of the data. As the amount of data available for decision-making explodes, enterprises struggle to keep pace and make sense of it. Their success in harnessing data depends on the efficacy of […]

7 Steps for a Successful ERP Implementation


ERP software integrates data from key enterprise functions. It becomes a centralised platform that ensures smooth information flow across the enterprise. Users get a holistic view and real-time access to data without silos getting in the way. But, implementing ERP systems is not easy. Roadblocks are the rule rather than the exception. More often than […]

The State of Email Security in APAC


Three out of four organisations experienced at least one successful email attack last year. Such a revelation does not come as a surprise to the informed, though. Most companies in Australia and Singapore expect an email-borne cyberattack to harm their business this year. Of late, email has become the number-one attack vector for cybercriminals, and […]

How Generative AI is Supercharging Creative Work


Until recently, creativity depended exclusively on the ingenuity of the human brain. But of late, humans have a powerful new aid – Generative AI (GenAI.)  What GenAI deliver GenAI has disrupted content creation like never before. Tools such as ChatGPT, Bard, Claude, and others allow any lay user to generate personalised, interactive fiction, create dream-like […]

Why Your Business May Need a Data Marketplace

Why Your Business May Need a Data Marketplace

In today’s tough business landscape, success depends on flexibility, resilience, and nimbleness. Businesses with these qualities can adapt to changing customer needs and react fast to unexpected problems. Data is a critical resource underpinning business resilience, flexibility, and nimbleness. Most businesses have set up systems to capture their internal data. But if businesses want to […]

Why Businesses Cannot Afford to Ignore Cloud Cost Optimisation in 2024?

The Importance of Cloud Cost Optimisation in 2024

Cloud adoption is soaring, with businesses migrating more and more operations to the cloud. 85% of large enterprises already have a multi-cloud strategy. The high cloud adoption translates to an increase in enterprise cloud spending. Global spending on public cloud services will reach $679 billion in 2024 and surpass $1 trillion by 2027.  Why take […]

How IT Spending and the CIOs Roles are Changing in 2024

IT Spending and CIOs Role 2024

Gartner predicts a 6.8% increase in global IT spending in 2024, with the total value touching a whopping $5 trillion. The actual growth is, however, down from the previous quarter’s forecast of 8%. But the increase in spending follows a slower-than-expected 2023. The overall IT spending growth rate for 2023 was 3.3%, representing only a […]

The Cyber Kill Chain: What It Is and How To Break It

Cyber Kill Chain - How to Break It

The first step in overcoming any problem is understanding it. This holds true for cyber attacks also.  Cyber security teams have often operated blind. They often throw random countermeasures at any threat, hoping something will be effective. Needless to say, threat actors have enjoyed a good run so far. The Cyber Kill Chain, a network […]

Seven Digital KPIS that the C-Suite Can No Longer Ignore

Seven Digital KPIS that the C-Suite Can No Longer Ignore

Businesses usually focus on easily quantifiable metrics, such as sales figures or website clicks. Such analysis reveals the popularity and effectiveness of digital initiatives.  But relying only on such traditional KPIs often does not give the complete picture. A social media post may, for instance, become viral. But it need not translate to sustained sales. […]

Best Practices to Strengthen Your Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Cloud IAM Best Practices

Traditional network security adopts a “castle and moat.” The castle represents the internal network that contains valuable data and resources. The moat represents the perimeter of the network, fortified with security measures. These perimeter protection systems include firewalls, intrusion detection, and access controls. The widespread adoption of cloud technology has made the perimeter irrelevant. With […]

How to Unlock the Value of Industry 4.0 with IIOT Software and New Solutions

How IIoT Makes Industry 4.0 an Everyday Reality

The convergence of physical and digital worlds brought about by Industry 4.0 has disrupted the business landscape big-time. Businesses have to make their machines smart by integrating data and analytics. Not opting for such transformation means eventual obsolescence once the ecosystem completes the transformation.   The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is at the heart of […]

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