Want to Save More Than 20% of Your Cloud Costs?
The cloud delivers significant financial savings compared to running on-premises infrastructure. But these savings do not realise just by subscribing to the cloud. Without financial management, the cloud model may become more expensive than an on-premises system. For instance, unchecked cloud spending leads to resource sprawl, which impedes visibility into resource utilization and increases waste. […]
Top CFOs Say This Is Their Biggest Pain Point in 2024
In most enterprises, the CFOs’ responsibilities extend far beyond finance. They play a proactive role in decision-making. Their position allows them to understand the enterprise-wide implications of different choices. Despite their strategic role, CFOs also face many pain points in their work. These include overcoming cost pressures and finding a solution to the skill shortage. […]
Mastering Generative AI Scaling: Are You the Right CIO?
Reality has started to catch up with the gen AI hype. Enterprises have been launching gen AI pilot projects left, right and centre. But just over one out of ten enterprises succeed in scaling up such pilots into workable business models. And only 15% of enterprises have been able to derive meaningful bottom-line impact with […]
The ‘AI IQ’: A Crucial Element for Tech Leaders in the AI Era
Artificial Intelligence (AI) improves work methods and amplifies human potential. Key enterprise functions, be it operations, supply chain, HR, finance, or anything else, become more intelligent. But the caveat is using AI the right way. Using AI tools to add value requires much more than technical know-how. The million-dollar question facing enterprises is whether their […]
A CXOs Toolkit for Driving Value in the Gen AI Era
Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) has gone beyond being a “nice to have” technology. GenAI is now a powerful force causing huge disruptions in the way of doing business. Businesses that do not adopt the technology will soon fade away into irrelevance. Early adopters of GenAI will thrive and can define the rules of their industry, […]
The Biggest Pain Points Experienced by CFOs in 2024
The CFO has evolved from being a back-office operator to assuming a proactive leadership role in the enterprise. All department budgets go through finance. This places the CFO in a pivotal position to make enterprise-level decisions. As digitisation set in, the enterprise began to look to the CFO for enterprise-level guidance. The CFO soon assumed […]
Why Top CFOs are Focusing on People and Learning
CFOs manage budgeting, forecasting, cash flows, ROI calculations, and other financial control tasks. But most of these spreadsheet and number-crunching tasks now run on autopilot, thanks to AI. In this changed scenario, CFOs move beyond finance to add value. To remain relevant, they focus more on strategic interventions. Central to such strategic interventions is a […]
How to Succeed in Innovation during Disruptive Times
Disruption has always been the way of life. History offers innumerable examples of new social and technological processes displacing taken-for-granted routines. Some years ago, digital technologies disrupted communication and information exchange. Now, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is imposing another major disruption. AI enables new forms of engagement and makes incumbent business models obsolete. Disruption is not […]
How CFOs Can Close the AI Trust Gap
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the next game-changer for businesses. But the success of AI-centric digital transformation initiatives depends on improving trust around AI. Enterprises use AI to improve efficiency, drive innovation, and unlock competitive advantage. The latest GenAI solutions automate several tasks and enable many new possibilities. But amidst the excitement, a significant trust gap […]
How CIOs Can Take Control of SaaS Sprawl
SaaS solutions offer enterprises unprecedented cost savings, scalability, resilience, flexibility, speed, and accessibility. But in many enterprises, the growth of cloud-based applications takes place uncontrolled. Many employees subscribe to cloud-based applications without going through the IT team. Any enterprise cloud policy that exists remains on paper. Soon, SaaS sprawl, or the excessive use of SaaS […]
Five Ways IT Leaders Can Fuel Growth in 2024
The business environment is in the midst of a perfect storm. The COVID-19 pandemic threatens to resurface anytime. Geopolitical tremors can disrupt the already fragile supply chains. Climate upheaval adds to the uncertainty. Amidst such challenges, Industry 4.0 leads businesses into major digital transformation. All this while, a looming recession and increased competition strains the […]
The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in IT Leadership
More than seven out of ten employers value emotional intelligence over IQ, and for good reasons. Most IT leaders have excellent technical and communication skills. But they still cannot overcome the pressing issues facing their enterprises. The reason is a lack of emotional intelligence (EQ). Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognise, understand, and manage […]