The Role of Technology in Cost Optimisation: Tools and Techniques for Savings

Five Ways to Apply Technology to Cut Costs and Boost Business Competitiveness

Cost optimisation is inevitable for enterprises in today’s competitive business environment. As margins become wafer-thin, profits come through cost cuttings and efficiency improvements. Here is how businesses can apply technology to optimise costs and the top tools to realise these ways. 1. Streamline processes In most enterprises, processes become inefficient over time. Bureaucracy makes some […]

How to Optimise IT Costs without Compromising Quality

How to Optimise IT Costs without Compromising Quality

Today’s competitive business environment places pressure on margins. IT leaders face pressure from the C-suite to cut costs. But cost-cutting often degrades performance and quality, leading to customer dissatisfaction.  The solution lies in cost optimisation.  Cost optimisation maximises the value of IT spending. It utilises available resources to achieve the best outcome at the lowest […]

How CIOs Can Use Gartner’s S-A-V-E Methodology for Cost Optimisation

Why is Gartner’s S-A-V-E Becoming Popular Among CIOs

Today’s business systems are interconnected, and initiatives rarely succeed in isolation.  CIOs need the support of other enterprise stakeholders to identify and implement cost savings ideas. To implement their plans, they may need the expertise or resources of others in the enterprise. For instance, if they do not get support from the finance team, they […]

Five IT Cost Optimisation Techniques That Actually Help

Five Focus Areas for IT Cost Optimisation

Many enterprises mistake cost optimisation with cost cutting. Cost cutting reduces expenditure to make the business more profitable or tide over a financial crisis. Cost optimisation is a long-term, permanent effort ingrained into business processes. The aim is to improve efficiency and ROI. Gartner defines cost optimisation as a continuous, sustained discipline to control spending […]

How to Optimise Costs and Make Multi-Cloud Strategy a Success

The cloud has always been popular for cost savings, easy scalability, and resiliency. The COVID-19 pandemic hastened cloud adoption. Enterprises seeking anywhere-access shifted their workloads to the cloud in a big way. But costs go out of control when enterprises adopt multi-cloud without a plan. Gartner estimates a typical enterprise wastes about 70% of its […]

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