Embracing Cloud Edge: Ensuring Success in a Hyperconnected World

Enterprises migrate to the cloud seeking scalability, cost-effectiveness and resilience. But the centralised cloud computing model is inadequate for today’s data-intensive workloads. Edge computing has become a popular alternative. This distributed form of cloud computing overcomes the limitations of centralised cloud. Edge nodes process data locally and deliver instant results. The processing occurs in a […]
Edge Computing: Next-Gen Apps Revolution

Is the cloud giving you sticker shock? Many enterprises have started to realise that the cloud is not a fairy tale of winnings. The traditional cloud model has many drawbacks and limitations in today’s digital era. The cloud’s full-time dependence on always-on high-speed Internet connectivity is problematic. There are also vendor-specific issues of scalability, reliability, […]
Three Reasons Why 5G Success Depends on Edge Computing

5G rollouts are underway in most parts of the world. This latest network offers low latency and more bandwidth. It delivers about 20x faster connectivity compared to incumbent 4G networks. Edge computing is also growing in popularity. New technologies, such as IoT, generate huge data volumes. Traditional cloud networks cannot transmit huge data swathes efficiently, […]
Five Reasons your Enterprise should Embrace Edge Computing

Edge computing processes data at the network periphery, close to where the data originates or resides. In contrast, the conventional cloud network takes data to distant cloud servers. Here are five reasons enterprises should deploy edge computing when they already have the cloud. REASON #1: Faster and reliable data processing The stakes of data have […]