Top Seven Cybersecurity Predictions for 2022-23
The stakes of cybersecurity have increased in the post-COVID digital-first world. Cyber attackers have become more professional. They launch sophisticated AI-based attacks at will. Remote work and the proliferation of IoT render conventional security apparatus obsolete. Most employees access the network from outside the firewall, rendering conventional firewalls inefficient. The increase in remote endpoints, owing […]
Is Today’s Cybersecurity Meeting Demands?
Cybersecurity has acquired critical dimensions in today’s digital-first economy. Enterprises have become more dependent on technology than ever before. Working from home, collaborating with remote partners, and eCommerce has become the norm. But such online activities create new risks for the enterprise. The tech landscape has become complex, multi-faceted, and constantly changing. These changed realities […]
How to Balance Business Security & Agility with Security Policy Automation
Agility is one of the core objectives of most digital transformation projects underway in enterprises. Agility speeds up time-to-market. It also makes the enterprise more responsive to the changing business environment. But security considerations often come in the way of agility. Many enterprises, cutting across size and scale, struggle to make the trade-off between security […]
Top Security Industry Innovations that Will Prevent new wave of Cyber Threats
The stakes of cyber security have never been higher. Attacks have become complex and sophisticated. Mobility, work-from-home, and the spread of IoT have increased the attack surface of late. By 2027, there will be 41 billion IoT devices connected online. The rush to move applications to the cloud in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic […]
Digital Transformation in 2022 – Six Priorities for CIOs
Digital transformation has become inevitable for enterprises in 2022. The pandemic has increased digital adoption. Companies have to ramp up their digital capabilities to ensure anywhere access and instant decision making. They also have to deliver omnichannel experiences for customers with deep personalisation. Side-by-side, they have to ramp up their analytics capabilities to gain insights […]
Will Adoption of 5G Affect Cybersecurity?
The new 5G technology improves speed and reliability and unlocks several new possibilities. But 5G is a mostly software network. Building a 5G application with weak cybersecurity foundations is akin to building on sand. The rollout of 5G will require enterprises to overhaul cybersecurity approaches and practices. 1. Increase in access points Conventional 4G networks […]
What’s The Right Approach to Cybersecurity
Cyber threats increase in magnitude and volume every year. Cybercrime costs enterprises $2.9 million every minute. Hackers committing data breaches exposed 36 billion records data breaches in 2020. Malware use increased by 358%, and the use of ransomware increased by 435%, in 2020. Enterprises struggle to keep their networks secure against such high-volume and high-intensity […]
AI and Threat Intelligence for Better Cybersecurity
Cyber-attacks keep growing in volumes and intensity. Cyber-crimes will cost enterprises globally a whopping $10.5 trillion annually by 2025, up from $3 trillion in 2015, with a CAGR of 15%. Accenture’s Cost of Cybercrime Study estimates that 43% of cyber-attacks affect small businesses. But only 14% of them can defend themselves. IT teams deploy network […]
Cybersecurity Risk Assessment: Managing the IT Complexity
Cyber networks are becoming complex. The increasing complexity makes the system more vulnerable to cyber threats. Data and cybersecurity breaches have increased by 67% since 2014, as the 2019 Cost of Cybercrime Study by Accenture and Ponemon Institute reveals. Cyber networks grow complex owing to several reasons, none of which will go away soon, such […]
5 Biggest Cybersecurity Asset Management Challenges & Why They Matter
Why does cybersecurity asset management matter? Here are five key challenges and how to overcome them.
Top 10 Cybersecurity Start-ups Today
Enterprises ignore cybersecurity at their peril. Cyber attackers intrude at will, sparing no one. The range and depth of threats have only intensified over the years. New strains of malware and new attack vectors dominate headlines no sooner than cybersecurity catches up with one menace. The challenge is especially rife in the APAC region where […]