The Cyber Kill Chain: What It Is and How To Break It

Cyber Kill Chain - How to Break It

The first step in overcoming any problem is understanding it. This holds true for cyber attacks also.  Cyber security teams have often operated blind. They often throw random countermeasures at any threat, hoping something will be effective. Needless to say, threat actors have enjoyed a good run so far. The Cyber Kill Chain, a network […]

Why Your Business Needs AI-Powered Threat Intelligence Today

AI-powered Cybersecurity

Businesses today face an ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. Threat actors have weaponised artificial intelligence (AI) to launch targeted attacks with unimaginable precision and speeds. The scale and breadth of attacks have also increased. At any given time, there are 300+ known threat actors active, each with unique motivations and tactics. Darktrace reports a 135% […]

Emerging Cybersecurity Threats and how to Protect Your Enterprise

Cyber threats remain persistent. The volumes and potency of cybercrimes increased to unprecedented heights during the pandemic. Increasing digitization, coupled with the demands of immediacy in a fast-paced world, increase vulnerabilities at the enterprise level. Here are the major cybersecurity threats that will dominate 2022. 1. Cyber Crimes will become more devastating  Today’s interconnected and […]

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