What is Adaptive Threat Protection?

Cyber threats continue unabated. Enterprise cyber security teams struggle against the relentless onslaught of ever-evolving attacks. The reason is cyber security falling behind the advances threat actors have attained. Traditional network security is static. It focuses on protecting the network perimeter. It deploys firewalls and antivirus that match network traffic with static malware signatures. Such […]
The State of Email Security in APAC

Three out of four organisations experienced at least one successful email attack last year. Such a revelation does not come as a surprise to the informed, though. Most companies in Australia and Singapore expect an email-borne cyberattack to harm their business this year. Of late, email has become the number-one attack vector for cybercriminals, and […]
“Disturbing” Rise in Nation-State Cyberattacks

Microsoft’s 2022 Microsoft Digital Defence Report focuses on the ‘rise in nation-state-sponsored cyberattacks. Threat actors from North Korea, Iran, Russia, China and other countries engage in ransomware, business email compromises, crypto theft, cyber-espionage, hack-and-leak attacks, and other types of attacks. There has been a spurt in such attacks over the last year. Russian attacks against […]
How Can AI Help You Fight Against Sophisticated Cyber Attacks?

Cyber attacks become more menacing and sophisticated with every passing day. Enterprising cybercriminals leverage the latest technologies, including AI, to take down any network. Even governments and Fortune 500 companies have fallen to such assaults. Cyber attackers have always been resourceful. They now use Artificial intelligence (AI) to upgrade their cyber weaponry in a big […]
Is Quantum Computing a Cyber Security Threat?

Quantum computing will speed up computing and unlock rich potential soon. Experts haven’t yet estimated the impact of such disruption on cyber security fully. But some areas of concern, where quantum computing already threatens cyber security, are already focal points for researchers and other cyber security experts. 1. Threat to existing algorithms Quantum computing will […]