Eight Reasons Cloud Computing Exceeds Budgets and Possible Solutions

Why do Cloud Projects Exceed Budget, and What to do About it?

The cloud computing is soaring in popularity owing to the widespread digitisation of the business ecosystem. More than 70% of companies have migrated at least some workloads to the cloud. But enterprises are beginning to get a reality check in the form of huge bills that often exceed budgets. The following are the common reasons […]

Role of In-Memory Technologies in Cloud Migrations

Role of In-Memory Technologies in Cloud Migrations

Cloud migrations continue unabated as businesses seek cost advantages, scalability, flexibility, and better performance. But not all cloud migrations are the same or deliver the intended benefits.  Many businesses seek the same application capabilities in the cloud as they have on-premises. They only look for benefits in cost and speed. Such a net-generation infrastructure upgrade […]

How a ‘Holistic’ Cloud Strategy Can Guarantee Success for Enterprises

Enterprises have been adopting the cloud over the years. The COVID-19 mandates accelerated the pace of cloud adoption. The trend towards cloud migration continues as hybrid work gains ground and represents the future of work. Global spending on cloud strategy or cloud computing will grow from $371.4 billion in 2020 to $832.1 billion by 2025. […]

Six Pitfalls to Avoid When Choosing a Cloud Vendor

Migrating to the cloud requires signing up to a cloud vendor. Cloud service providers are businesses. Their primary motivation is profits and not social service. They may position information in a way that sounds all appealing. Here are seven things your cloud vendor may not disclose. 1. Portability One of the key advantages of the […]

Transitioning to Cloud Analytics? Be Aware of these Five Challenges

Cloud-based analytics are soaring in popularity. Enterprises transition from on-premises to the cloud for easy scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. But cloud analytics comes with its fair share of challenges. This tech blog for IT professionals lists the key challenges with cloud analytics and how to overcome them. CHALLENGE #1: Getting On-Premises Data into the Cloud […]

Five Business Drivers That Motivate Cloud Migrations

A staggering 96% of total data centre traffic is through the cloud. Global cloud spending has touched 1177 billion USD and is growing. But why do businesses flock to the cloud? This technology blog lists five key motivators that drive cloud migration. 1. Cost Reduction The single biggest motivation for businesses to migrate to the […]

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