Cloud Cost Control: 10 FinOps Best Practices for Optimisation

Cloud costs come under increasing focus as enterprises face cost pressures in a tough business environment. Many enterprises, carried away by the post-COVID digital boom, migrated to the cloud, lock, stock, and barrel. They now experience sticker shock. FinOps offers enterprises a way to control cloud costs. The following FinOps-based best practices boost cloud efficiency […]
5 Best Practices to Make Cloud Computing More Cost-Effective

Cloud technologies have become integral to enterprises. 92% of enterprises have migrated at least part of their IT environment to the cloud. One main reason for such widespread cloud adoption is cost efficiency and savings. The pay-as-you-go model eliminates costly capital expenditure and optimises operational expenses. But while such benefits hold well in theory, realising […]
How Finance Services Businesses Can Better Manage Their Cloud Costs

The cloud has revolutionised business. Nimble, cost-efficient, on-demand cloud resources replace clunky and expensive on-premise infrastructure. Scalable resources tied to usage-based spending replace expensive on-premises capital spending. The cloud also enables anytime access, facilitating telecommuting, online sales and other possibilities. Financial service businesses have been leveraging such features to deliver net banking, 24×7 support, and […]
Taking Control of Cloud Costs the FinOps Way

Cloud adoption is at an all-time high. Gartner estimates worldwide end-user public cloud spending at $591.8 billion. The main reason for such widespread cloud adoption is cost benefits. Foundry’s Cloud Computing Study 2023 lists lowering the total cost of ownership as a top driver of cloud computing initiatives. The cloud delivers on the promises of […]
Top Five Reasons Enterprises Overspend on the Cloud

The cloud offers significant cost savings and other benefits. But operating a business in the cloud differs from running a business using on-premises systems. Many enterprises get carried away and overspend on the cloud, negating the advantages. The cloud spares the enterprise from investing huge capital upfront. But the cloud attracts higher operating expenditures. Service […]
Cloud Cost Optimization: Five Ways to Reduce Multi-Cloud Costs

In the post-pandemic era, multi-cloud deployments have replaced on-premises deployments as the norm in many enterprises. More and more enterprises migrate their data and applications to the cloud. The cloud promises to lower IT costs and deliver efficiency and scale effortlessly. But this has not always been the case. As enterprises migrate to the cloud […]