Why Eliminating Waste is the Most Effective Cost-Cutting Strategy

Cost-cutting has become a priority for most businesses today. But most enterprises do it the wrong way. They choose the wrong area to cut costs and become uncompetitive or suffer severe damage to their growth and vitality. In most enterprises, the first target for cost-cutting is discretionary spending. This is a mistake. Popular imagination associates […]
Want to Save More Than 20% of Your Cloud Costs?

The cloud delivers significant financial savings compared to running on-premises infrastructure. But these savings do not realise just by subscribing to the cloud. Without financial management, the cloud model may become more expensive than an on-premises system. For instance, unchecked cloud spending leads to resource sprawl, which impedes visibility into resource utilization and increases waste. […]
Cloud Cost Control: 10 FinOps Best Practices for Optimisation

Cloud costs come under increasing focus as enterprises face cost pressures in a tough business environment. Many enterprises, carried away by the post-COVID digital boom, migrated to the cloud, lock, stock, and barrel. They now experience sticker shock. FinOps offers enterprises a way to control cloud costs. The following FinOps-based best practices boost cloud efficiency […]
How CIOs Can Take Control of SaaS Sprawl

SaaS solutions offer enterprises unprecedented cost savings, scalability, resilience, flexibility, speed, and accessibility. But in many enterprises, the growth of cloud-based applications takes place uncontrolled. Many employees subscribe to cloud-based applications without going through the IT team. Any enterprise cloud policy that exists remains on paper. Soon, SaaS sprawl, or the excessive use of SaaS […]
Taking Control of Cloud Costs the FinOps Way

Cloud adoption is at an all-time high. Gartner estimates worldwide end-user public cloud spending at $591.8 billion. The main reason for such widespread cloud adoption is cost benefits. Foundry’s Cloud Computing Study 2023 lists lowering the total cost of ownership as a top driver of cloud computing initiatives. The cloud delivers on the promises of […]
What is FinOps? Your guide to cloud cost management

The cloud offers great benefits of enabling anywhere work, scalability and resilience, but costs can get out of control. As the popularity of the cloud increases, enterprises tend to add cloud resources in small increments. Soon end up in a situation where they have more cloud resources than needed, with cost runaways. Such cost overruns […]
Top Five Reasons Enterprises Overspend on the Cloud

The cloud offers significant cost savings and other benefits. But operating a business in the cloud differs from running a business using on-premises systems. Many enterprises get carried away and overspend on the cloud, negating the advantages. The cloud spares the enterprise from investing huge capital upfront. But the cloud attracts higher operating expenditures. Service […]
Cloud Cost Optimization: Five Ways to Reduce Multi-Cloud Costs

In the post-pandemic era, multi-cloud deployments have replaced on-premises deployments as the norm in many enterprises. More and more enterprises migrate their data and applications to the cloud. The cloud promises to lower IT costs and deliver efficiency and scale effortlessly. But this has not always been the case. As enterprises migrate to the cloud […]