Success Story

Digital transformation to support future business models

Digital transformation to support
future business models

Streamlining Network Security: Tufin's Solution for a Big Four Professional Services Firm

Streamlining Network Security:
Tufin's Solution for a Big Four Professional Services Firm

The firewall management services team is on a digital transformation journey, as are so many network and security teams today. This specific initiative required consolidating management and control of security policies across the organization to improve their overall security posture, while accelerating the provisioning of network changes. These common needs, for improved security and agility, are traditionally at odds and continue to create challenges network-wide. For the last two years, the team has been using Tufin SecureTrack to achieve visibility of their security policies across the company’s 200 internal corporate firewalls. As part of this initiative, they need to incorporate an additional 600 firewalls controlled by subsidiary business units, into their management scope.

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