Quantum AI: Are CTOs Ready?

Each generation of computers is faster and better than the previous versions. But quantum computing offers a radically different approach to computing. A regular bit in computing is 0 or 1. Quantum computing instead has quantum bits or qubits that can be 0 or 1 simultaneously or even have any ratio between them. Two or more qubits may also connect despite being physically apart. Quantum AI uses high-power qubits to develop and apply machine learning algorithms.

Limitations of computing resources often stifle the real-life application of AI. Quantum computing removes such limitations and allows AI to tackle complex real-life problems.

Quantum AI is still some time away before it becomes mainstream though. But when it emerges, it will enable transformational changes and cause big-time disruptions. The new technology may disrupt society the same way the first information revolution altered society. 

Enterprises that leverage the new technology stand to gain tremendous first-mover advantage. Here is how CTOs can make their enterprises prepared for the imminent quantum AI wave.

1. Identify use cases for Quantum AI.

The opportunities for applying quantum AI at the enterprise level are endless. Among the top use cases that attract considerable interest, Quantum AI will:

  • Enable machine learning algorithms to emulate emotions. Quantum AI-powered bots respond to complex signals such as expressions, eye movement, and body language. Training algorithms to mimic similar reactions is impossible using conventional computing resources.
  • Make sampling redundant in research and audits. Quantum AI’s computing power scans all transactions and detects even the minute of transgressions. In accounting, it could detect fraud not visible even with all the existing technology. It could also trace liabilities to the decision-maker, promoting accountability.
  • Unlock new cures. Quantum AI will speed up research into diseases such as cancer, find new drugs, and pioneer new treatment regimes. For instance, quantum AI makes human genome mapping easy, enabling customised cancer treatments.
  • Help investors master financial markets. Quantum AI helps traders make accurate predictions in stock and crypto trading. The computational power of qubits enables predicting market moves with unmatched accuracy. Asset managers get insights to decide when to rebalance their portfolios.

Smart CTOs keep track of the latest trends and developments in quantum AI. They identify the breakthroughs that will help their enterprises, and prepare for early adoption of quantum AI for such use cases.

2. Join the bandwagon early

Businesses have already started investing in quantum computing in a big way. Quantum AI is a rare instance of a disruptive technology that is also difficult to access. Investing to get ringside seats would give companies a strategic advantage for a modest outlay.

Polluted data, mislabelling, and limitations in recognizing unstructured data such as images, are huge stumbling blocks for enterprise AI adoption. Quantum AI helps algorithms handle real-world unstructured and polluted data. Tasks such as video compression which are now resource and time intensive, will take place at the drop of a hat.

Optical character recognition (OCR) is a key focus area for enterprises adopting Quantum AI. OCR depends on training algorithms to recognize printed or written text. While OCR provides outstanding results in some use cases, it suffers from serious limitations. OCR cannot process documents with poor image quality, lesser used fonts, and most forms of written handwriting. In 2014, a team of Chinese researchers used a 4-qubit processor and made the machine recognise numbers 6 and 9, written in different handwriting. Quantum AI is on the cusp of perfecting OCR.

Another focus area for enterprise is testing. Time pressure and technology limitations force many enterprises to take shortcuts in testing. Quantum computers remove such roadblocks, and enable thorough testing of applications. Comprehensive testing eliminates failures and saves the company a fortune in recall costs, lawsuits, and public relations disasters. As a case in point, Lockheed Martin partnered with D-Wave to apply quantum computing and identify errors in their F-16 jets. Using quantum AI reduced the time taken for error-finding from six months to six weeks.

Smart CTOs make early investments in their niche to get a foothold in the breakthrough new technology. Quantum AI will help enterprises unleash value at scale, cut costs, and deliver environmental benefits.

3. Form alliances and tie-ups

Enterprises can no longer expect to do everything in-house. In most cases, competitive advantage depends on the ability of the enterprise to curate an ecosystem. It becomes impossible for enterprises to set up infrastructure independently with quantum AI. CTOs will have to seek alliances and draw in open-source infrastructure to run quantum computing models.

Google’s quantum computing service offers simulators and processors. The core Sycamore processor features 54 superconducting qubits arranged in a square grid lattice. Google offers chaperoned access to these NISQ processors and simulators. Researchers with projects approved by Google may access these resources and schedule jobs.

Several start-ups are taking a keen interest in quantum computing to develop a niche. Successful CTOs form alliances and tie-ups to start early and stay ahead of the quantum trend.

4. Address skill requirements

Crippling skill shortage is a key stumbling block to mainstreaming Artificial Intelligence. Learning has not kept pace with technological advancements. With many companies chasing limited talent, many projects get stuck for want of human resources. Even if human resources become available, the high costs make many projects unviable. The situation will repeat itself, on a much more intense scale, in Quantum AI.

Running Quantum AI needs quantum physicists, mathematicians, computer scientists, and quantum engineers. Additional skill requirements depend on the functional area. Quantum AI in finance, for instance, needs skills in quantitative finance and discrete mathematics.

CTOs need to

  • Strengthen their recruitment capabilities and invest in headhunting talent
  • Draw up a training and development action plan to upgrade the skills of their existing workforce.
  • Strive for a cultural shift to promote a learning organisation. AI success depends on transparent systems and the free flow of information across the enterprise.

5. Keep track of the latest developments

Quantum computing is evolving, with breakthroughs emerging by the day. Smart CTOs keep track of the latest developments and evaluate how the enterprise may benefit from such changes.

In recent years, many nation-states and big multinationals have ramped up their investments in Quantum AI. 

  • In 2015, Intel invested US$50 million into QuTech, the Dutch consortium for Quantum Technology. In the same year, Alibaba formed a joint venture with the Chinese Academy of Sciences to develop quantum computing. The company committed to investing $5 million per year for the next 15 years.
  • In 2016, the European Union announced a flagship program worth €1 billion for quantum technologies.
  • Since 2017, the Singapore government has invested SG$195 million into quantum technologies.

Investments in Quantum AI have started to bear fruit.

  • Booz Allen Hamilton offers quantum computing consultancy for government and business clients. Application areas include vehicle routing, logistics, job scheduling, network optimisation, and more.
  • Hewlett Packard’s quantum information group in the UK seeks breakthroughs in teleportation and cryptography.
  • Several firms, including Microsoft, simulate molecules on a quantum computer. Breakthroughs could lead to better batteries, among other benefits.
  • D-Wave has partnered with DNA-SEQ Alliance for cancer treatment and drug discovery. D-Wave has also partnered with 1QBit, to launch the “Quantum for Quants” online finance-based community.

In the near future, quantum computing may also solve the supporting technology challenges that prevent the mass roll-out of driverless vehicles. Quantum technology provides AI with the bandwidth to perform computations that keep these vehicles safe on the streets. 

Quantum AI is in its infancy, but ongoing research yields promising results. It will create new industries and disrupt existing ones. Quantum AI becoming a game-changer is only a question of when and not if. Smart CTOs plan but remain flexible to leverage the technology as it unfolds.

Here are six strategies CTOs need to adopt to make sure their business remains resilient in a fluid business environment.

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