Five Ways IT Leaders can Network Effectively for Success
Five Ways IT Leaders can Network Effectively for Success
Five Ways IT Leaders can Network Effectively for Success

Networking tips for IT leaders: How to build connections

How do you pull off networking? This question is at the top of most IT leaders’ minds nowadays. 

Networking has become a professional and career necessity in today’s connected world. The age-old adage that “success often depends on who you know rather than what you know” holds true now more than ever before. With digitisation, the barriers to knowledge have crumbled down. Conceptual skills are available to anyone who wants it. Competitive edge depends on connections. Networking leads to opportunities that might otherwise never manifest. It also creates a fabric of personal contacts who offer support, feedback, insight, resources, and information.

Well-connected IT leaders can gain valuable support and first-mover advantages when needed. For instance, a connection may offer access to a trusted resource to get the job done, saving the leader hours of painstaking research. Also, a well-connected leader may have access to talent to bridge the skill gap or replace an outgoing employee. The leader himself may leverage their connections for career progression!

IT managers advance in their careers through a strong command over the technical elements of their jobs. IT leaders often stumble when moving beyond such analytical and functional roles. When promoted to leadership roles, they find it challenging to address business issues that involve relational tasks. 

Even those who understand the criticality of networking often find it hard to pull it off. Some IT leaders may be introverts who need more interpersonal skills and outreach to network well. Others may be busy with job commitments, leading to little time for fruitful networking. Others may lack experience in the field. 

Regardless of the shortcomings or limitations, follow these networking tips.

1. Attend industry events and conferences

Successful networking depends on being at the right place at the right time. Industry events are the number one platform to network.

Industry events, such as conferences, seminars, and trade shows, are the Holy Grail of networking. Professionals from across the spectrum attend these events. The symposiums, after-event parties, and other functions connected with these events promote engagement. 

It offers a platform for the delegates the strike up conversations, find common ground, and build rapport. If nothing else, delegates can exchange business cards and take on the relationship further through social media.

Some of the top annual conferences that attract thousands of delegates from across the world include:

  • CES – Consumer Electronics Show 
  • VMworld: The annual VMware conference focuses on virtualisation and cloud computing. 
  • RSA Conference brings together cybersecurity professionals to share knowledge and insights. 
  • Microsoft Ignite: Microsoft’s annual conference for developers and IT professionals 
  • Google Cloud Next: Google’s annual conference 
  • AWS re:Invent: Amazon Web Services annual conference for cloud computing professionals. AWS Summit is a comparable regional conference in APAC and other regions.
  • Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo. One of the world’s largest IT events, it brings together CIOs and IT executives. 
  • Black Hat USA: The leading conference for cybersecurity professionals, 
  • DevOps World: A conference focused on DevOps practices and tools
  • InfoComm: The leading event for audiovisual and integrated experience professionals
  • Dreamforce: Salesforce’s iconic annual event held in San Francisco every year
  • CloudExpo Asia, APAC region’s largest IT conference. About 21000 delegates attended the 2022 edition in Singapore.
  • Japan IT Week: Japan’s most prominent tech show.
  • Tech in Asia, another popular APAC-based conference, brings together startups, investors, and industry experts.

In addition to the events listed above, hundreds of other events take place at international, regional, and local levels. Each such event offers valuable networking opportunities.

2. Join professional clubs and organisations 

Joining a professional organisation is another great way to build connections and networks. Most professional organisations have local chapters hosting talks, events, and local meetups. Active participants can build long-lasting connections and also keep abreast of industry trends.

Being involved in such organisations:

  • Offers the opportunity to build long-term relationships since meetings occur regularly over monthly talks or meet-ups.
  • Offers direct communication with industry leaders and experts. 
  • Helps to remain in the loop regarding the local news and developments pertaining to the industry.

3. Connect with colleagues and alumni

Connecting with colleagues, ex-colleagues, and college alumni is the easiest way to build a network. 

  • Make a conscious effort to understand coworkers and reach out to them. Be open to connecting with colleagues and professional contacts through social media. 
  • Attend company events, social gatherings, and alumni events. 
  • Walk into career fairs. The IT leader may meet recruiters and hiring managers to further career advances. Otherwise, they may gain first-hand contact with skilled candidates for headhunting.

Five Ways IT Leaders can Network Effectively for Success

4. Become active on social media

Social media platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook are a happy hunting ground to connect with like-minded people and follow up with contacts acquired from other sources.  

To make the most out of social media for networking:

  • Create a professional profile. Update the information to stay current. Avoid jargon that alienates people and use simple language that conveys the message in an impactful way.
  • Engage in forums, discussion boards, and comments. Engage with other professionals in a respectful and meaningful way.
  • Share industry news and insights proactively. Make sure the posts add value to the reader and demonstrate expertise. Avoid self-promotion.
  • Resist the temptation to make blanket connections. Make meaningful connections with people who have common ground.
  • Strive for testimonials and endorsements.

5. Become an influencer

As the adage goes, “success comes to those who seek it.” The best way to build a network is to be hyper-good at the job and become an influencer. Start blogs or videos, publish papers in reputed journals, write a book, and never turn down an opportunity to speak to an audience. Becoming an influencer and a resource person makes networking easy. People tend to reach out and connect with influencers more than the other way round. 

There is no success like success! Establishing success at work furthers one’s credentials as an influencer and resource person.

PRO TIPS: Ingrain networking as a habit

Effective networking is a long-term game. The challenge lies in following up and sustaining the networking initiative. Successful networkers: 

  • Devote time to network and schedule regular check-ins without intruding. They understand that the time committed to interactions is not a distraction. Rather, they know networking is integral to leadership and professional development.
  • Find common ground with their connections and listen more than they speak. They indulge in genuine conversations rather than make pitches or promotions when they speak. 
  • Display integrity. Many professionals regard networking as insincere or manipulative. Professionals who network with genuine intent remain sincere and never do any action that compromises trust. 

Research corroborate
s that networking directly relates to career success. Successful IT leaders cultivate networks that transcend organisational and functional boundaries. They leverage these connections to manage their responsibilities, boost personal development, and unlock growth in innovative ways. 

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